Package com.sk89q.worldedit.command.tool
package com.sk89q.worldedit.command.tool
ClassDescriptionA super pickaxe mode that will remove blocks in an area.A mode that cycles the data values of supported blocks.A mode that replaces one block.Builds a shape at the place being looked at.A wand that can be used at a distance.Represents a block tool that also has a secondary/primary function.Represents a trace tool that also has a secondary/primary function.A pickaxe mode that removes floating treetops (logs and leaves not connected to anything else).A tool that flood fills blocks.A tool that can place (or remove) blocks at a distance.Looks up information about a block.A pickaxe mode that recursively finds adjacent blocks within range of an initial block and of the same type.A super pickaxe mode that removes one block.Represents a tool.Plants a tree.