Deprecated API
Terminally Deprecated ElementsElementDeprecated inDescription6. now take XYZ, see
QueueCoordinator.setBiome(int, int, int, BiomeType)
Scheduled for removal once we drop the support for versions not supporting 3D biomes, 1.18 and earlier.
Deprecated ClassesClassDeprecated inDescriptionIn favor of normal Command class6.0.0
Deprecated FieldsFieldDeprecated inDescription7.0.0magical
Deprecated MethodsMethodDeprecated inDescription7.3.2No usage and not null-safeMay cause synchronous chunk loadsin favor of getCorners()[0];May cause synchronous chunk loadsas merged plots no longer need to be rectangularMay cause synchronous chunk loadsMay cause synchronous chunk loadingMay cause synchronous chunk loadsin favor of getCorners()[1];7.2.0Poorly implemented. May be removed in future.- returns region of IDs, not of actual blocks.6.0.0Biomes now take XYZ, see
QueueCoordinator.setBiome(int, int, int, BiomeType)
Scheduled for removal once we drop the support for versions not supporting 3D biomes, 1.18 and earlier.7.1.0Don't unnecessarily block threads and utilize playerMap - seePlayerManager.getUsernameCaption(UUID)
7.1.0Don't unnecessarily block threads and utilize playerMap - seePlayerManager.getUsernameCaption(UUID) result in synchronous chunk loading6.11.0