Class ForgetfulExtentBuffer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Filter, Extent, InputExtent, OutputExtent, BiomePattern, Pattern

public class ForgetfulExtentBuffer extends AbstractDelegateExtent implements Pattern, BiomePattern
Buffers changes to an Extent and allows later retrieval for actual application of the changes.

This buffer will not attempt to return results from the buffer when accessor methods (such as AbstractDelegateExtent.getBlock(BlockVector3)) are called.

  • Constructor Details

    • ForgetfulExtentBuffer

      public ForgetfulExtentBuffer(Extent delegate)
      Create a new extent buffer that will buffer every change.
      delegate - the delegate extent for InputExtent.getBlock(BlockVector3), etc. calls
    • ForgetfulExtentBuffer

      public ForgetfulExtentBuffer(Extent delegate, Mask mask)
      Create a new extent buffer that will buffer changes that meet the criteria of the given mask.
      delegate - the delegate extent for InputExtent.getBlock(BlockVector3), etc. calls
      mask - the mask
  • Method Details

    • isQueueEnabled

      public boolean isQueueEnabled()
      Specified by:
      isQueueEnabled in interface Extent
      isQueueEnabled in class AbstractDelegateExtent
    • setBlock

      public <B extends BlockStateHolder<B>> boolean setBlock(BlockVector3 location, B block) throws WorldEditException
      Description copied from interface: OutputExtent
      Change the block at the given location to the given block. The operation may not tie the given BlockStateHolder to the world, so future changes to the BlockStateHolder do not affect the world until this method is called again.

      The return value of this method indicates whether the change was probably successful. It may not be successful if, for example, the location is out of the bounds of the extent. It may be unsuccessful if the block passed is the same as the one in the world. However, the return value is only an estimation and it may be incorrect, but it could be used to count, for example, the approximate number of changes.

      Specified by:
      setBlock in interface OutputExtent
      setBlock in class AbstractDelegateExtent
      location - position of the block
      block - block to set
      true if the block was successfully set (return value may not be accurate)
      WorldEditException - thrown on an error
    • setBiome

      public boolean setBiome(BlockVector3 position, BiomeType biome)
      Description copied from interface: OutputExtent
      Set the biome.

      As implementation varies per Minecraft version, this may set more than this position's biome. On versions prior to 1.15, this will set the entire column. On later versions it will set the 4x4x4 cube.

      Specified by:
      setBiome in interface OutputExtent
      setBiome in class AbstractDelegateExtent
      position - the (x, y, z) location to set the biome at
      biome - the biome to set to
      true if the biome was successfully set (return value may not be accurate)
    • setBiome

      public boolean setBiome(int x, int y, int z, BiomeType biome)
      Specified by:
      setBiome in interface OutputExtent
      setBiome in class AbstractDelegateExtent
    • applyBlock

      public BaseBlock applyBlock(BlockVector3 pos)
      Description copied from interface: Pattern
      Return a BaseBlock for the given position.
      Specified by:
      applyBlock in interface Pattern
      pos - the position
      a block
    • applyBiome

      public BiomeType applyBiome(BlockVector3 pos)
      Description copied from interface: BiomePattern
      Return a BiomeType for the given position.
      Specified by:
      applyBiome in interface BiomePattern
      pos - the position
      a biome
    • asRegion

      public Region asRegion()
      Return a region representation of this buffer.
      a region
    • fork

      public Pattern fork()
      Description copied from interface: Filter
      Fork this for use by another thread - Typically filters are simple and don't need to create another copy to be thread safe here
      Specified by:
      fork in interface Filter
      Specified by:
      fork in interface Pattern