All Classes and Interfaces

Queue Coordinator that only sets blocks with the specified PlotArea
Crate a new auto query
Object representing a plot backup.
Standard block setting queue that allows block setting across numerous chunks, without limits.
QueueCoordinator that caches all blocks set to it in a given array of form BlockState[][][].
A block bucket is a container of block types, where each block has a specified chance of being randomly picked
Container that class either contains a BlockType or a BlockCategory
BlockState related utility methods
UUID service backed by a Guava Cache
PlotSquared event with Result to cancel, force, or allow.
Any message that can be sent to a player, the console, etc.
A holder for a caption.
This class handles loading and updating of message files.
Map containing mappings between captions and components
Builds a ChunkCoordinator instance
This cache is used for world generation and just saves a bit of calculation time when checking if something is in the plot area.
A plot manager with square plots which tessellate on a square grid with the following sections: ROAD, WALL, BORDER (wall), PLOT, FLOOR (plot).
Plot components for ClassicPlotManager
Any entity that is able to execute commands, receive messages & and have permission nodes
A utility class for modifying components.
A preset that can be used to set a component from the component GUI
The names of any default blocks.
Creates a comment.
Indicates that a field should be instantiated / created.
Indicates that a field cannot be modified.
Any field or class with is not part of the config.
Represents a source of configurable options and settings.
Configuration Node.
Represents a section of a Configuration.
Represents an object that may be serialized.
Utility class for storing and retrieving classes for Configuration.
Main Configuration Utility
Create your own SettingValue object to make the management of plotworld configuration easier
Abstract Database class, serves as a base for any connection method (MySQL, SQLite, etc.)
Database Functions - These functions do not update the local plot objects and only make changes to the DB
The default PlotSquared Progress Subscriber.
Applies to a ConfigurationSerializable that will delegate all deserialization to another ConfigurationSerializable.
Queue that delegates to a parent queue.
CaptionMap implementation that throws exception on all getters
A collection of entity categories
Categories to which an Entity may belong
Entity related general utility methods
This is a base class for all File based implementations of Configuration.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a FileConfiguration.
Container type for plot flags.
Handler for update events in flag containers.
Update event types used in FlagContainer.PlotFlagUpdateHandler.
A plot manager where plots tessellate in a grid formation symmetrical about x=z.
This class allows for implementation independent world generation.
These are flags used in PlotSquared and PlotSquared add-ons that can be used to associate information with the plot, without users being able to access the information.
Exception thrown when attempting to load an invalid Configuration.
This class is only used by internal functions, for most cases use the PlotInventory class
Converts legacy configurations into the new (BlockBucket) format
Any entity that has a locale
An unmodifiable 6-tuple (world,x,y,z,yaw,pitch)
Offsets input coordinates and delegates to a parent queue
Key used to access locks from a LockRepository
A repository for keyed locks
PlotSquared command class.
This is a Configuration implementation that does not save or load from any source, and stores all values in memory only.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a MemoryConfiguration.
A type of ConfigurationSection that is stored in memory.
Access to player meta data
Key used to access meta data
Connects to and uses a MySQL database
A Caption that can be identified by a namespace-key pair
Backup profile for a plot without an owner
Name provider service that creates UUIDs from usernames
Paginated collection of plots as a result of a query
Permission class.
Permission handler
Permission handler capabilities
Any object which can hold permissions
A permission profile that can be used to check for permissions
A placeholder is a keyed value that gets replaced by a player-specific value at runtime
Registry that contains placeholders
Event called when a new Placeholder has been added
This class should be implemented by each platform to allow PlotSquared to interact with the world management solution used on the server.
PlayerAutoPlotEvent returns null for PlotEvent.getPlot() as the event is fired before the plot is chosen.
Event fired when the plots that are to be claimed by a player executing a /plot auto have been chosen.
A profile associated with a player (normally a plot owner) and a plot, which is used to store and retrieve plot backups
Called when a user attempts to buy a plot.
Manages player instances
Called every time after PlotSquared calculated a players plot limit based on their permission.
Called when a player teleports to a plot
The plot class
[IMPORTANT] - Unclaimed plots will not have persistent information.
PlotSquared API.
Event called when plots are automatically merged with /plot auto
To be used as a notification that a plot has been claimed.
Called when a plot is cleared
Container for Plot comments
Called when a plot component is set
Called when a plot is deleted
Called when a plot is cleared
An expression that can be evaluated.
A plot flag is any property that can be assigned to a plot, that will alter its functionality in some way.
Called when a Flag is added to a plot.
Called when a flag is removed from a plot
Util class for generic methods relating to plot flags.
The PlotId class represents a Plot's x and y coordinates within a PlotArea.
An iterator that iterates over a range of PlotIds.
(x,y,z) or (x,z) representation for PlotSquared (hence the "Plot" prefix)
Event called when several plots are merged
Manager that handles Plot modifications
PlotSquared main utility class
The abstract class supporting BukkitPlayer and SpongePlayer.
This represents a plot query, and can be used to search for plots matching certain criteria.
Generic settings class.
A placeholder that requires a plot
An implementation of the core, with a static getter for easy access.
Different ways of sorting plots
A task that can be run and cancelled (if repeating)
Task that does nothing and is always cancelled
Event called when several merged plots are unlinked
This class handles communication with the Arkitektonika REST service.
A result of a plot upload process.
The different types of weather that can be set for a Plot.
A world that contains plots
Called after a plot was chosen for a player by /plot auto
Called after PlayerAutoPlotEvent and only, if no listener cancelled the action.
Called after a player has successfully bought a plot.
Called after the owner of a plot was updated.
Called after a Plot was cleared.
Called after a Plot was deleted.
Called after multiple plots were merged with another.
Called when several plots were unlinked.
RefClass - utility to simplify work with reflections.
Constructor wrapper
Method wrapper
Plot world that contains several plot areas (clusters)
Represents an "alias" that a ConfigurationSerializable may be stored as.
Thrown by ServiceError when something goes wrong
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A SettingsNodeStep is a step wrapping a ConfigurationNode.
This class wraps an array of ConfigurationNodes.
This class keeps track of a setup process.
Strategy used when sorting plot results
Connects to and uses a SQLite database.
A plot manager with a square grid layout, with square shaped plots.
Ordinary plot world with a single plot area
String comparison library.
Plot flag representing a string value.
In favor of normal Command class
Tab completion utilities
Task manager that handles scheduling of tasks.
Task timings
The reason for an internal player teleport.
Caption that is user modifiable
Used internally for generation to reference locations in worlds that "don't exist yet".
A pair consisting of a UUID and a username
An UUID pipeline is essentially an ordered list of uuid services that each get the opportunity of providing usernames or UUIDs.
Service used to provide usernames from player UUIDs
PlotSquared representation of a platform world
An implementation of Configuration which saves all files in Yaml.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a YamlConfiguration.
A runnable that can be yielded.
Queue that only sets blocks with a designated X-Z area, will accept any Y values.