All Classes and Interfaces

Visits adjacent points on the same X-Z plane as long as the points pass the given mask, and then executes the provided region function on the entire column.
Abstract class for adapters.
Base extent class for buffering changes between AbstractBufferingExtent.setBlock(BlockVector3, BlockStateHolder) and the delegate extent.
An abstract implementation of Cancellable that has all of Cancellable's methods implemented.
This batch processor writes changes to a concrete implementation.
A base class for Extents that merely passes extents onto another.
Filter block with an extent.
An abstract implementation of Mask that takes uses an Extent.
An abstract implementation of a factory for internal usage.
A base class of Mask that all masks should inherit from.
A base class of Mask2D that all masks should inherit from.
An abstract implementation for Patterns.
An abstract implementation of Platform.
An abstract implementation of both a Actor and a Player that is intended for implementations of WorldEdit to use to wrap players that make use of WorldEdit.
An abstract task that stores a name and owner.
An abstract implementation of World.
An object that can perform actions in WorldEdit.
Implementation of an authorizer that uses Subject.hasPermission(String).
Adapt a collection to a set.
Mask that tests adjacency only in 2D/the same y-level
Optimized version of Adjacent2DMask for testing for any single adjacency
Just an optimized version of the Adjacent Mask for single adjacency.
An affine transform.
The chunk format for Minecraft 1.13 to 1.15
The chunk format for Minecraft 1.15 and newer
The chunk format for Minecraft 1.16 and 1.17
The chunk format for Minecraft 1.17
The chunk format for Minecraft 1.18 and newer
Anvil classes were used on versions prior to 1.13 to trim chunks.
Use ApplyRegion or ApplyLayer depending on function type.
Generates solid and hollow shapes according to materials returned by the ArbitraryBiomeShape.getBiome(int, int, int, method.
Generates solid and hollow shapes according to materials returned by the ArbitraryShape.getMaterial(int, int, int, method.
Represents an archive opened as a directory.
Something that can provide access to an archive file as a file system.
A super pickaxe mode that will remove blocks in an area.
Key-interface for InjectedValueAccess for the String arguments.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Unused internally
Stores all Changes in an ArrayList.
async queue that accepts a Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler for exception handling per instance, delegating to a parent KeyQueuedExecutorService.
Raised when authorization is not granted.
Tests whether permission is granted.
Represents a "snapshot" of a block with NBT Data.
Represents a mutable "snapshot" of an entity.
Represents an item, without an amount value.
Represents a stack of BaseItems.
Stores a list of common BiomeCategories.
A category of biomes.
Represents a biome change that may be undone or replayed.
Implements biome-related commands such as "/biomelist".
This no longer returns useful information.
Tests true if the biome at applied points is the same as the one given.
use BiomeMask as biomes are now 3D.
Returns a BiomeType for a given position.
Handles quirks when placing biomes.
Provides information on biomes.
Replaces the biome at the locations that this function is applied to.
Only method is being deprecated for removal.
All the types of biomes in the game.
Stores a list of common BiomeTypes.
BaseBlock that when parsed to masks represents all BlockStates of a BlockType, whilst allowing for NBT storage
Stores block data as a multi-dimensional array of BlockStates and other data as lists or maps.
Stores entity data.
Represents a source to get blocks from and store removed ones.
Thrown when a block bag detects a problem.
Applies a BlockBag to operations.
Stores a list of common BlockCategories.
A category of blocks.
A mask that tests whether a block matches a given BlockCategory, or tag.
A registry for BlockType categories.
Represents a block change that may be undone or replayed.
Limits the number of blocks that can be changed before a MaxChangedBlocksException is thrown.
A mode that cycles the data values of supported blocks.
A registry of known BaseBlocks.
Called when a block is interacted with.
A space-efficient map implementation for block locations.
A mask that checks whether blocks at the given positions are matched by a block in a list.
Describes the material for a block.
An extension of ArrayListHistory that stores BlockChanges separately in two ArrayLists.
all BlockStateHolders can be used directly as a pattern
Handled by the world entirely now
Provides information on blocks and provides methods to create them.
Replaces blocks with a given pattern.
A mode that replaces one block.
Block-related utility methods.
Parses mask input strings.
An immutable class that represents the state a block can be in.
Transforms blocks themselves (but not their position) according to a given transform.
A mask that checks whether blocks at the given positions are matched by a block in a list.
Stores a list of common BlockTypes.
Statically-set reserved IDs.
An immutable 2-dimensional vector.
An immutable 3-dimensional vector.
An immutable 3-dimensional vector.
The BlockVectorSet is a memory optimized Set for storing BlockVector3's.
Has the criteria where the Y value of passed positions must be within a certain range of Y values (inclusive).
Performs a breadth-first search starting from points added with BreadthFirstSearch.visit(BlockVector3).
A brush is a long-range build tool.
Commands to set brush shape.
Thrown when a maximum radius for a brush is reached.
Builds a shape at the place being looked at.
A collection of supported clipboard formats.
A collection of natively supported clipboard share destinations.
Provides block data based on the built-in block database that is bundled with WorldEdit.
A block registry that uses BundledBlockData to serve information about blocks.
Provides item data based on the built-in item database that is bundled with WorldEdit.
A item registry that uses BundledItemRegistry to serve information about items.
An implementation of Registries that converts legacy numeric IDs and a contains a built-in block and item database.
Use LinByteArrayTag.
Use LinByteTag.
Marks an event that has a cancellable state.
A collection of capabilities that a Platform may support.
A registry of categories.
Describes a change that can be undone or re-applied.
Tracks a set of undoable operations and allows their undo and redo.
Performs an undo or redo from a given ChangeSet.
Stores changes to a ChangeSet.
A 16 by 16 block chunk.
Indicates that this value is for 3d-chunk compatibility.
A special extent that batches changes into Minecraft chunks.
Commands for working with chunks.
Internal class.
Filter block implementation which uses chunks - First call initChunk - Then for each layer, call initLayer - Then use whatever filter method you want, to iterate over the blocks in that layer
An abstract IChunk class that implements basic get/set blocks.
Automatically loads chunks when blocks are accessed.
Represents chunk storage mechanisms.
Specifies an object that implements something suitable as a "clipboard."
Clipboard commands.
A collection of supported clipboard formats.
Holds the clipboard and the current transform on the clipboard.
Annotates a Mask parameter to use the clipboard as the extent instead of target World/EditSession.
A pattern that reads from Clipboard.
Reads Clipboards.
Items of metadata about shared clipboards.
An implementation of a Spline using a Clipboard as source for the structure.
Helper class to 'bake' a transform into a clipboard.
Writes Clipboards.
Represents a fragment representing a command that is to be typed.
Executes several region functions in order.
Combines several transforms in order.
This annotation indicates a command.
Any command with this annotation will run the raw command as shown in the thing, as long as it is registered in the current CommandsManager.
This class is currently only for internal use.
Logs called commands to a logger.
Indicates a list of permissions that should be checked.
Thrown when not enough permissions are satisfied.
Posted when suggestions for auto-completion are requested for command input.
A box to describe usage of a command.
Represents a "compiled" expression.
Use LinCompoundTag.
Use LinCompoundTag.Builder.
The names of any default blocks.
Creates a comment.
Indicates that a field's default value should match another input if the config is otherwise already generated
Indicates that a field should be instantiated / created.
Indicates that a field cannot be modified.
Any field or class with is not part of the config.
Indicates that a field should be migrated from a node that is deleted
Represents a source of configurable options and settings.
Raised when the configuration has been loaded or re-loaded.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a Configuration
Represents a section of a Configuration.
Represents an object that may be serialized.
Utility class for storing and retrieving classes for Configuration.
Indicates how the affected blocks should be hinted at in the log.
Handles commands indicated as requiring confirmation.
This annotation indicates that a command can be used from the console.
A Lifecycled that never invalidates.
Creates a ConvexPolyhedralRegion from a user's selections.
Keeps a count of the number of times that Counter.apply(BlockVector3) is called.
The context given to scripts.
The implementation of /butcher.
An axis-aligned cuboid.
Creates a CuboidRegion from a user's selections.
Represents a cylindrical region.
Creates a CylinderRegionSelector from a user's selections.
Thrown when there is an exception related to data handling.
This entire class is subject to heavy changes.
Validates set data to prevent creating invalid blocks and such.
Parses block input strings.
The default progress tracker uses titles
Applies to a ConfigurationSerializable that will delegate all deserialization to another ConfigurationSerializable.
Executes a delegate operation, but returns to another operation upon completing the delegate.
An implementation of an DFSVisitor that uses a mask to determine where a block should be visited.
Depth-first-search visitor.
Annotates a BlockVector3 parameter to inject a direction.
A collection of cardinal, ordinal, and secondary-ordinal directions.
Visits adjacent points on the same X-Z plane as long as the points pass the given mask, and then executes the provided region function on the entire column.
Thrown when usage is disallowed.
A clipboard with disk backed storage.
Store the change on disk - High disk usage - Moderate CPU usage - Minimal memory usage - Slow
A wand that can be used at a distance.
Represents a block tool that also has a secondary/primary function.
Represents a trace tool that also has a secondary/primary function.
Double array lists to work like a Map, but not really.
Use LinDoubleTag.
Visits adjacent points on the same X-Z plane as long as the points pass the given mask, and then executes the provided region function on the entire column.
A StreamHandler delegate that allows for the swap and disable of another handler.
An Extent that handles history, BlockBags, change limits, block re-ordering, and much more.
Used by EditSession.setBlock(BlockVector3, BlockStateHolder, Stage) to determine which Extents should be bypassed.
A builder-style factory for EditSessions.
Raised (several times) when a new EditSession is being instantiated.
Using the ever-extending factory methods is deprecated.
Represents an ellipsoid region.
Creates a EllipsoidRegionSelector from a user's selections.
Thrown when there is no clipboard set.
Use LinEndTag.
A reference to an instance of an entity that exists in an Extent and thus would have position and similar details.
Logs the creation of an entity and removes the entity upon undo.
Applies a function to entities.
Processor that removes existing entities that would not be in air after the edit
Describes various classes of entities.
Provides information on entities.
Tracks the removal of an entity.
The implementation of /remove.
Stores a list of common EntityTypes.
Visits entities as provided by an Iterator.
Helper methods for enums.
Represents a fragment representing an error.
Simple class for handling error reporting to users.
Thrown when there's a problem during expression evaluation.
Even more ExecutorService factory methods.
An abstract base class for all WorldEdit events.
Dispatches events to listeners, and provides ways for listeners to register themselves.
Event handler object for EventBus that is able to dispatch an event.
Used to convert a recognized Throwable into an appropriate CommandException.
An implementation of an ExceptionConverter that automatically calls the correct method defined on this object.
Denotes a match of an exception.
A mask that returns true whenever the block at the location is not an air block (it contains some other block).
Extracted from SelectionCommands to allow importing of Command.
Compiles and evaluates expressions.
This class provides an empty implementation of ExpressionListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of ExpressionVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
Compiles an expression from an AST into MethodHandles.
Represents a way to access blocks in a world.
Thrown when there's a problem during any stage of the expression compilation or evaluation.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by ExpressionParser.
A mask that evaluates an expression.
A mask that evaluates an expression.
Thrown when an evaluation exceeds the timeout time.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by ExpressionParser.
Creates a CuboidRegion from a user's selections by expanding the region on every right click.
A world, portion of a world, clipboard, or other object that can have blocks set or entities placed.
Copies the biome from one extent to another.
Copies blocks from one extent to another.
Buffers changes to an Extent and allows retrieval of the changed blocks, without modifying the underlying extent.
A pattern that composes multiple patterns consecutively, ensuring that changes from one pattern are realized by the subsequent one(s).
Copies entities provided to the function to the provided destination Extent.
Indicates that an object can provide various "facets," which are specific distinct interfaces that can represent a portion of the object.
A speedy implementation of ByteArrayOutputStream.
Reads schematic files using the Sponge Schematic Specification.
ClipboardReader for the Sponge Schematic Format v3.
Writes schematic files using the Sponge schematic format.
Faster, stream-based implementation of SpongeSchematicV3Writer for writing schematics conforming the sponge schematic v3 format.
[ WorldEdit action ]
[ EditSession ] - The change is processed (area restrictions, change limit, block type)
[ Block change ] - A block change from some location
[ Set Queue ] - The SetQueue manages the implementation specific queue
[ Fawe Queue] - A queue of chunks - check if the queue has the chunk for a change
[ Fawe Chunk Implementation ] - Otherwise create a new FaweChunk object which is a wrapper around the Chunk object
[ Execution ] - When done, the queue then sets the blocks for the chunk, performs lighting updates and sends the chunk packet to the clients
The FaweAPI class offers a few useful functions.
- This class is not intended to replace the WorldEdit API
- With FAWE installed, you can use the EditSession and other WorldEdit classes from an async thread.

FaweAPI.[some method]
Holds data for a palette used in a chunk section
A wrapper around compound tags, potentially lazily transformed.
FAWE stream ChangeSet offering support for extended-height worlds
An internal FAWE class not meant for public use.
This is a base class for all File based implementations of Configuration
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a FileConfiguration
Represents the chunk store used by Minecraft Alpha.
Parses date-times by looking at the file name.
Implements a snapshot database based on a filesystem.
A filter is an interface used for setting blocks.
A class representing a block with a position - Used for optimized block operations to avoid lookups
Performs a function on the columns in a FlatRegion, or also known as vectors with only X and Z components (where Y is height).
Passes calls to FlatRegionMaskingFilter.apply(BlockVector2) to the delegate FlatRegionFunction if they match the given mask.
Offsets the position parameter by adding a given offset vector.
Applies region functions to columns in a FlatRegion.
A pickaxe mode that removes floating treetops (logs and leaves not connected to anything else).
Use LinFloatTag.
A tool that flood fills blocks.
Generates flora (which may include tall grass, flowers, etc.).
Stores a list of categories of Block Types.
A category of fluids.
Minecraft now has a 'fluid' system.
Stores a list of common Fluid String IDs.
Snapshot based on a world folder.
Generates forests by searching for the ground starting from the given upper Y coordinate for every column given.
Buffers changes to an Extent and allows later retrieval for actual application of the changes.
Makes a copy of a portion of one extent to another extent or another point.
Contains all functions that can be used in expressions.
A task that wraps a ListenableFuture.
A Fuzzy BlockState.
Builder for FuzzyBlockState
Generates patches of fruit (i.e.
A Gaussian Kernel generator (2D bellcurve).
General WorldEdit commands.
Commands for the generation of shapes and other objects.
Applies a RegionFunction to the first ground block.
Utility methods for Google's GSON library.
Converter for handling default heights as the currently configured height.
Allows applications of Kernels onto the region's height map.
Allows applications of Kernels onto the region's height map.
This enum represents the different types of height maps available in minecraft.
Commands to undo, redo, and clear history.
Stores changes to a ChangeSet.
Holds a batch processor (Join and remove operations affect the held processor)
A shared interface for IGetBlocks and ISetBlocks.
Represents a chunk in the queue IQueueExtent Used for getting and setting blocks / biomes / entities
IGetBlocks may be cached by the WorldChunkCache so that it can be used between multiple IQueueExtents - avoids conversion between a palette and raw data on every block get
An interface for getting blocks.
Interface for setting blocks
A common superinterface for everything passed to parser processors.
Represents an object that can be identified by a UUID.
Makes no transformation to given vectors.
Raised when a region is not fully defined.
Constructs new instances.
Provides the current state of blocks, entities, and so on.
Thrown when parsed input results in an error.
Input parser interface for AbstractFactory.
The type of input sent.
Use LinIntArrayTag.
The type of interaction.
Represents an arbitrary function in ℝ → ℝ3.
Use LinIntTag.
Exception thrown when attempting to load an invalid Configuration
I/O function type.
I/O runnable type.
TODO: implement Extent (need to refactor Extent first) Interface for a queue based extent which uses chunks
Stores a list of common ItemCategories.
A category of items.
A registry for ItemType categories.
Stores a list of common ItemTypes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Unused, will be removed in the future.
Stores sessions as JSON files in a directory.
Represents an objects that can be added to a registry and referenced by an id which is unique within its registry.
Executor service that queues tasks based on keys, executing tasks on a configurable ThreadPoolExecutor
A Kochanek-Bartels interpolation; continuous in the 2nd derivative.
Represents a fragment representing a label.
Returns the same cached BlockState for repeated calls to LastAccessExtentCache.getBlock(BlockVector3) with the same position.
A function that takes a position and a depth.
Visits the layers within a region.
Use LinCompoundTag.
Thread-safe lazy reference.
Represents chunk stores that use Alpha's file format for storing chunks.
Provides a Levenshtein distance between a given string and each string that this function is applied to.
Thrown when the lexer encounters a problem.
Represents an object with a simple valid/invalid lifecycle.
Convenience class for implementing the callbacks of Lifecycled.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JNBT is being removed in WE8.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
replaced by RandomPattern combined with Linear2DRandom.
A SimpleRandom that deterministically maps coordinates to values.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
replaced by RandomPattern combined with Linear3DRandom.
A SimpleRandom that deterministically maps coordinates to values.
Simple linear interpolation.
A linear Kernel generator (all cells weigh the same).
Filter which links two Filters together for single-filter-input operations.
Use LinListTag.
Use LinListTag.Builder.
The LocalBlockVectorSet is a Memory and CPU optimized Set for storing BlockVectors which are all in a local region - All vectors must be in a 2048 * 512 * 2048 area centered around the first entry - This will use 8 bytes for every 64 BlockVectors (about 800x less than a HashSet)
Represents WorldEdit's configuration.
Stores session information.
Represents the metadata for a named local slot.
Represents a block located at some position.
Wrapper around a list of blocks located in the world.
Represents a location in a world with has a direction.
A standard logging format for WorldEdit.
Indicates how the affected blocks should be hinted at in the log.
Use LinLongArrayTag.
A tool that can place (or remove) blocks at a distance.
Use LinLongTag.
Tests whether a given vector meets a criteria.
Tests whether a given vector meets a criteria.
A registry of known Masks.
Filter with an attached Mask used for deciding whether a block is eligible for being applied to.
Requires that all mutating methods pass a given Mask.
Combines several masks and requires that all masks return true when a certain position is tested.
Tests true if all contained masks test true.
Various utility functions related to Mask and Mask2D.
Combines several masks and requires that one or more masks return true when a certain position is tested.
Tests true if any contained mask is true, even if it just one.
Various math utility methods.
Thrown when too many blocks are changed (which may be limited due to the configuration).
Utility methods for working with directions in Minecraft.
Reads schematic files that are compatible with MCEdit and other editors.
Reader for a MCRegion file.
Memory optimized BlockVector3 Set using a sparsely populated bitset and grouped by chunk section Note on spaghetti code / duplication - Uses a minimum of 1 bit per entry - 99.9% of the time there are no if checks on get/clear - Grouping / iteration is by chunk section, and the y>z>x order
This is a Configuration implementation that does not save or load from any source, and stores all values in memory only.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a MemoryConfiguration
ChangeSet optimized for low memory usage - No disk usage - High CPU usage - Low memory usage
A type of ConfigurationSection that is stored in memory.
Makes for a box with a border above and below.
Invokes a Method to dispatch an event.
Thrown if a chunk is missing.
Raised when the session is missing.
Raised when a world is missing but is required.
Thrown if the world is missing.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
WorldEdit does not handle interpreting NBT, deprecated for removal without replacement
Additionally stream facilities.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This interface has no functionality anymore
Annotates a List<BlockVector3> parameter to inject multiple direction.
Re-orders blocks into several stages.
Implements a platform with multiple connected users.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JNBT is being removed for adventure-nbt in WorldEdit 8.
Makes a layer of grass on top, three layers of dirt below, and smooth stone only below that for all layers that originally consist of grass, dirt, or smooth stone.
Commands for moving the player around.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JNBT is being removed for adventure-nbt in WorldEdit 8.
Utility methods for working with NBT data used in Minecraft.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JNBT is being removed for lin-bus in WorldEdit 8, use LinBinaryIO instead
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JNBT is being removed for lin-bus in WorldEdit 8, use LinBinaryIO instead
These utility methods are provided by LinCompoundTag now.
JNBT is being removed for adventure-nbt in WorldEdit 8.
Indicates an object that contains extra data identified as an NBT structure.
Indicates a nested command.
Thrown when no capable platform is found.
Represents a node for interpolation.
A mask that uses a noise generator and returns true whenever the noise generator returns a value above the given density.
A mask that uses a noise generator and returns true whenever the noise generator returns a value above the given density.
Generates noise in a deterministic or non-deterministic manner.
Thrown when a match fails when input is parsed.
The annotated method is only non-abstract for compatibility with old subclasses, and will be made abstract in the next major version of WorldEdit.
A RecursiveVisitor that goes orthogonally to the side and down, but never up.
Raised when an item is used when a block was expected.
An implementation of Authorizer that always returns false for tests of permissions.
A biome registry that knows nothing.
An implementation of an entity registry that knows nothing.
An extent that returns air blocks for all blocks and does not pass on any changes.
A region that contains no points.
A null implementation of World that drops all changes and returns dummy data.
A numerical Tag
Annotates a BlockVector3 parameter to inject an offset.
Checks whether another mask tests true for a position that is offset a given vector.
Checks whether another mask tests true for a position that is offset a given vector.
Represents an Alpha chunk.
An task that may be split into multiple steps to be run sequentially immediately or at a varying or fixed interval.
Executes multiple queues in order.
Operation helper methods.
Annotates a parameter to indicate it as optional.
Thrown when there are no more blocks left.
Thrown when the target inventory of a block bag is full.
Accepts block and entity changes.
Standard override permissions.
Contains contextual information that may be useful when constructing objects from a registry (such as MaskFactory).
Thrown when the parser encounters a problem.
Builds an operation to paste the contents of a clipboard.
Returns a BaseBlock for a given position.
A registry of known Patterns.
Annotates a List<BlockState> parameter to inject a list of BlockStates.
Generates Perlin noise.
No limits at all.
Processor/pattern that uses Minecraft internal methods to determine the shape of blocks, e.g.
Represents a platform that WorldEdit has been implemented for.
Handles the registration and invocation of commands.
Fired when configuration has been loaded and the platform is in the initialization stage.
Manages registered Platforms for WorldEdit.
Raised when a platform has finished loading its data.
Fired by a platform when it believes all available platforms should be registered.
Raised when a platform needs to retract all registered data, e.g.
Represents a player.
Raised whenever a player sends input.
Represents a 2D polygonal region.
Creates a Polygonal2DRegion from a user's selections.
Helper method for anything related to polygons.
Creates a PolyhedralRegion from a user's selections.
Indicates the preference of a platform for a particular Capability.
Indicates how the affected blocks should be hinted at in the log.
Initialises preloading of chunks.
Implementation of the //help command.
The scope of a processor.
A progress object describes the progress of an operation, specifying either a percentage of completion or a status of indeterminacy.
An iterator that keeps track of how many entries have been visited and calculates a "percent completed" using a provided total count.
An object that is able to report on its progress.
Simple LocalConfiguration that loads settings using java.util.Properties.
Describes a state property of a block.
This class will be generated at runtime - these are just example values.
Looks up information about a block.
Class which handles all the queues IQueueExtent
Annotates a double parameter to inject multiple radii values.
Thrown when a maximum radius is reached, such as, for example, in the case of a sphere command.
A RandomCollection holds multiple values that can be accessed by using, int, int).
Generates noise using Random.
Uses a random pattern of a weighted list of patterns.
Uses a random pattern of a weighted list of patterns.
Common code shared between schematic readers.
A pickaxe mode that recursively finds adjacent blocks within range of an initial block and of the same type.
An implementation of an BreadthFirstSearch that uses a mask to determine where a block should be visited.
This is an internal class not meant to be used outside the FAWE internals.
Represents a physical shape.
Commands that operate on regions.
Performs a function on points in a region.
An intersection of several other regions.
A mask that tests whether given positions are contained within a region.
Passes calls to RegionMaskingFilter.apply(BlockVector3) to the delegate RegionFunction if they match the given mask.
Passes calls to RegionMaskTestFunction.apply(BlockVector3) to the delegate RegionFunction if they match the given mask.
Offsets the position parameter by adding a given offset vector.
Sort block positions by region, then chunk.
Sort block positions by region, chunk, and finally Y-Z-X.
Uses a radix sort to order vectors by region, then chunk, then Y value (max -> min).
Utility methods relating to Regions.
Region selectors create Regions from a series of "selected points." They are used, for example, to allow users to create a CuboidRegion by selecting two corners of the cuboid.
An enum of default region selector types.
Generates solid and hollow shapes according to materials returned by the RegionShape.getMaterial(int, int, int, method.
- FAWE deprecation: Let the queue iterate, not the region function which lacks any kind of optimizations / parallelism
Contains getters for the various registries.
This abstracts the creation of Relighters to allow more modular code.
An interface for Extents that are meant to reorder changes so that they are more successful.
Reparametrises another interpolation function by arc length.
Returns the blocks from Extent, repeating when out of bounds.
Describes the current request using a ThreadLocal.
A region that mirrors the current selection according to the current LocalSession and World set on the current Request.
An abstract loader that handles loading resources from bundled URLs or local files.
Thrown when a return is encountered, to pop the stack frames and return the value easily.
Attempts to parse masks given rich inputs, allowing for & and ,.
A rich parser allows parsing of patterns and masks with extra arguments, e.g.
Attempts to parse transforms given rich inputs, allowing for & and ,.
Generates ridged multi-fractal noise.
Describes the current run.
Commands that work with schematic files.
Raised when a known exception occurs during schematic load.
Commands related to scripting.
Indicates that this value should come from the current selection.
Selection commands.
Defines limits for selections.
Represents an "alias" that a ConfigurationSerializable may be stored as.
Handles creation of server-side CUI systems.
An event fired when a session becomes idle.
Provides information about a session.
Session manager for WorldEdit.
An object that owns a session.
Commits sessions to disk.
FAWE is not necessarily the tool you want to use to limit certain tick actions, e.g.
Use LinShortTag.
An extent that sets blocks in the world, with a SideEffectSet.
WorldEdit does not handle interpreting NBT, deprecated for removal without replacement
Avoids printing any messages
An input parser that only performs a single function from aliases.
A Lifecycled that can be directly called to invalidate it or set a new value.
An implementation of a Supervisor.
An abstract implementation of World.
A super pickaxe mode that removes one block.
Single threaded implementation for IQueueExtent (still abstract) - Does not implement creation of chunks (that has to implemented by the platform e.g., Bukkit)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
WorldEdit does not handle interpreting NBT, deprecated for removal without replacement
Represents a world snapshot.
A snapshot is a backup.
Snapshot commands.
Handler for querying snapshot storage.
A name parser attempts to make sense of a filename for a snapshot.
Instances of this interface try to determine an ZonedDateTime from a given Path.
Information about a snapshot, such as name and date.
A repository contains zero or more snapshots.
A snapshot restore operation.
A snapshot restore operation.
Allows applications of Kernels onto the region's height map for snow layers
Creates a SphereRegion from a user's selections.
Embodies an abstract implementation for pasting structures along a spline.
A curve is being interpolated by the provided Interpolation implementation and the structure is pasted along this curve by the specific Spline implementation.
Reads schematic files using the Sponge Schematic Specification (Version 1).
Reads schematic files using the Sponge Schematic Specification (Version 2).
Writes schematic files using the Sponge Schematic Specification (Version 2).
Reads schematic files using the Sponge Schematic Specification.
Writes schematic files using the Sponge Schematic Specification (Version 3).
Use LinStringTag.
String utilities.
A subject has authorization attached to it.
Used to mark methods as event handlers.
An explicit substring.
Represents a subtle part of the message.
Internal class for generating common command suggestions.
Efficient blur / average color over an image.
Manages running tasks and informs users of their progress, but does not execute the task.
An extent that delegates actions to another extent that may change at any time.
Makes changes to the world as if a player had done so during survival mode.
Indicates it is expected that blocks will only be set synchronously, i.e.
JNBT is being removed for lin-bus in WorldEdit 8, use LinTag instead
This class uses an inefficient method to figure out what block a player is looking towards.
A task is a job that can be scheduled, run, or cancelled.
Represents the state of a task.
Compares task states according to the order of the Task.State enumeration.
Equivalent to CharSetBlocks without any attempt to make thread-safe for improved performance.
Indicates a block that contains extra data identified as an NBT structure.
Represents a tool.
Tool commands.
An extent that can report back if an operation fails due to the extent(s) below it.
Makes a transformation of Vector3s.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Unused internal, will be removed in v3
Transforms another region according to a provided vector Transform.
Various utility methods related to Transforms.
Thrown if the session cannot be persisted (because SessionKey.isPersistent() returns false).
Handles translations for the plugin.
Tree generator.
Plants a tree.
Interface for objects that can be trimmed (memory related).
Represents the chunk store used by Minecraft alpha but zipped.
Represents the chunk store used by Minecraft but zipped.
Applies a block type while retaining all possible states.
Pattern that replaces blocks based on their ID, matching for an "input" and replacing with an "output" string.
Provides context for undo and redo operations.
Thrown when an unknown direction is specified or detected.
Thrown when a block that can't be placed is used.
Annotates properties that should not be exposed in the report.
Utility commands.
Simple class to transform a byte[] into an iterator of the VarInts encoded in it.
Basically VarIntIterator but backed by InputStream
An immutable 2-dimensional vector.
An immutable 3-dimensional vector.
Deserializes Vector3s for GSON.
Indicates that this value is for holding the vertical height.
A session store that doesn't know how to store sessions.
Generates Voronoi noise.
Interface to a Platform's watchdog service.
Extent that ticks the watchdog before every world-affecting action.
Removes the waterlogged state from blocks if possible.
Returns the best choice given a weighting function and a target weight.
A tuple of choice and score.
Represents a world (dimension).
The entry point and container for a working implementation of WorldEdit.
For internal WorldEdit use only.
Parent for all WorldEdit exceptions.
converts WorldEdit exceptions and converts them into CommandExceptions.
Represents WorldEdit info from the MANIFEST.MF file.
Natively access and perform operations on the world.
Thrown if the world has been unloaded.
An implementation of Configuration which saves all files in Yaml.
A less simple implementation of LocalConfiguration using YAML configuration files.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a YamlConfiguration.
Represents a configuration node.
YAML configuration loader.
YAMLProcessor exception.
Represents the chunk store used by Minecraft alpha but zipped.
Represents the chunk store used by Minecraft alpha but zipped.